Information on the local street drugs in South Africa
that are positively detected with the DrugLAB Test Kit.


Side Effects: 

  • 10x more potent than drugs like valium
  • One starts to feel the effects after about 10 minutes after ingestion
  • Symptoms include nausea, feeling hot and cold, dizziness, confusion, and disorientation.
  • Some people become disinhibited and act completely out of character.
  • You may also have difficulty moving or talking.
  • Drowsiness and blacking out
  • Symptoms can last 2-8 hours
  • You will probably have no memory of what happened during that time.
  • Snippets of memory may come back over time.

Street names are liquid ecstacy, roofies, Circles, Forget Me Pill, Lunch Money Drug, La Rocha, Roach 2 or R2, Mexican Valium, Pingus and lollipops.


Side Effects: 

  • Most potent hallucinogenic known to man
  • Comes in small squares of paper or in sugar cubes 
  • A trip (high) can last up to 12 hours and can be either good or bad.
  • Time, movement, sounds, and colour appear different.
  • Symptoms include confusion, paranoia, sleeplessness, panic, and fear.
  • Can lead to strange and reckless behaviour that is out of character.
  • One can get flashbacks later even after the drug has worn off.

Street names are LSD, Acid Battery, acid, Blotter, Boomers, California Sunshine, Cid, Doses, Dots, Golden Dragon, Heavenly Blue, Hippie, Loony toons, Lucy in the sky with diamonds, Microdot, Pane, Purple Heart, Superman, Tab, Window pane, Yellow sunshine, Zen.


Side Effects:

  • Central nervous stimulant
  • Comes in a powder form and is usually snorted.
  • Often used to make one feel sober after heavy drinking
  • One feels invincible and may take unnecessary risks when under the influence.
  • When combined with alcohol it forms a toxic chemical in your liver which creates a state of euphoria but can be fatal. 

Street names are Boy-girl. Candy flipping. Cocoa puffs. Flamethrowers. Spaceball. Speedball. Woo-woo. Woolies, to name a few.


Side Effects:

  • Originally developed as an anaesthetic.
  • Effects are felt 5-20 minutes are ingestion.
  • Initially you feel very drunk
  • You initially feel very uninhibited and may take unnecessary risks. 
  • Sense of touch becomes heightened.
  • Symptoms include hallucinations, sweating, vomiting, inability to stand, blacking out.
  • Seizures are also a risk

Street names are Cherry Meth, Liquid Ecstacy, Cups, Scoop, G, Georgia homeboy


Side Effects:

  • Also known as the love drug as it heightens senses. Physical touch is very sensitive so people often stroke textured fabrics.
  • Causes your jaw to clench so people often chew sweets or suck on suckers.
  • Thirst and dry mouth.
  • People taking E don’t usually mix it with alcohol as it lessens the high. 
  • Side effects include anxiety, nausea, insomnia, paranoia. 

Street names for MDMA or Ecstacy are XTC, X, Adam, E, Roll, A, 007, Molly


Side Effects:

  • More potent than GHB in the body
  • Effects are felt 20 minutes after ingestion
  • Symptoms include drowsiness, nausea, dizziness, loss of consciousness, and shallow breathing. 
  • The danger of overdose is very real as someone spiking your drink is not going to measure how much is being put in your drink. 


The DrugLAB test kit tests for amines. These are specific chemical compounds that are found in psychoactive drugs.

Detected Street Drugs

Phencyclidine (PCP)
Illicit precursors and all other amines.

Why Spike?

There are a host of reasons you could get drink-spiked and here are a few:

  • Date Rape
  • Robbery / Theft
  • Human Trafficking
  • Gender Based Violence
  • Kidnapping
  • Anger
  • Entertainment

DISCLAIMER: This blog is for informational purposes only. This blog content should not be a substitute for medical advice.
Phuza Strips understands that everyone’s situation is different, and this content is to provide an overall 
understanding of the substances the DrugLAB Test Kit is able to detect.